Saturday, May 28, 2011

Slow going here

OK, I had hoped to have some items listed today to open my store but alas, I am such a perfectionist, they are not done yet.

I can post a link to my photo album on flickr ALBUM You can get an idea of what I sew from looking at these.  Hopefully by Monday I have at least 2 items listed, fingers crossed.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Open for Business!!

Wow!!  I decided to take the plunge today and have picked the name of my business for selling baby clothes online.

Here at my blog I will be sharing anything new in the store and some tutorials for sewing.  In the near future, i will be having give aways of some of my stuff.

I still have to design my store front at Etsy.  When it is done I will post my link in the sidebar.

If you find me and want to follow me, post a comment to let me know.
